Max Frisch, Die chinesische Mauer [The Chinese Wall]

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Die Chinesische Mauer. Eine Farce


The Chinese Wall. A Farce

, 1946] is a German language play by the Swiss author Max Frisch. In respect to active engagement with new and ongoing urgent socio-political issues, their theatrical representation, and the necessary artistic experiments with such a representation, this “farce” has played and continues to play an important role not only on stage, but also in European social and political life.

Before Max Frisch wrote his play The Chinese Wall, he travelled to war-shattered Germany in May and June 1946. His impressions of this trip were unforgettable: he saw ruins and refugees everywhere. In August 1945 the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and in July 1946 they were fired in the western Pacific. When he was working on his

4818 words

Citation: Yang, Peter J.. "Die chinesische Mauer". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 May 2017 [, accessed 15 February 2025.]

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