Frances Trollope, Jessie Phillips: A Tale of the Present Day

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Jessie Phillips

opens in those halcyon days of childhood, in those “village days” in Deepbrook when there are no factories. Industrialization has not yet spoiled the pristine landscape of human decency and community conscience. It is a time when money comes easily, and many young people go to the marriage altar with only cheerful expectations. All is well – in fact, all is too well. The reader knows such days cannot continue forever. Indeed, Trollope warns that the children are marrying “too young by at least ten years–losing thereby the happiest portion of existence, and doing all they could towards turning the pleasant village of Deepbrook into a very unpleasant one.” Besides typifying the pessimism in which Trollope usually portrayed marriage, the opening of the…

1572 words

Citation: Ayres, Brenda. "Jessie Phillips: A Tale of the Present Day". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 April 2006 [, accessed 27 July 2024.]

16893 Jessie Phillips: A Tale of the Present Day 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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