History of Sir Charles Grandison(1753-1754), marks a significant departure from his earlier works. Though the novel, like its predecessors, is written in the epistolary mode and shares many thematic interests in common with the much-slighted but popular
Pamela(1740) and the author's tragic masterpiece
Grandisonenacts a crucial displacement of subject and perspective. In response to entreaties from many of his attentive correspondents, and possibly as a reaction to the enthusiastic reception of Fielding's
Tom Jones(1749), the increasingly ailing Richardson was driven to write a final novel centred around a “good man” rather than a good woman.
Richardson was all too aware that his previous novels offered few positive models of masculinity amongst
2130 words
Citation: Batchelor, Jennie. "Sir Charles Grandison". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 March 2002 [, accessed 15 February 2025.]