The Blood of Others] is a novel written by Simone De Beauvoir during the Second World War, but it was not published until 1945. Set in the early 1940s, it tells the story of several characters confronted with the advent of the Second World War and the occupation of France by the German army.
This novel is constructed as a long flashback of one of the characters, Jean Blomart. However, the readers follow the thoughts of two main characters and narrators – Jean and Hélène – and sometimes even their stream of consciousness. They are surrounded by friends; in particular, Marcel and Denise, who are in a relationship.
This novel is constructed as a long flashback of one of the characters, Jean Blomart. However, the readers follow the thoughts of two main characters and…
3129 words
Citation: Malinge, Yoann. "Le Sang des autres". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 September 2023 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=21248, accessed 03 October 2024.]