Patricia Ard once wrote that Frances Trollope, as well as Dickens and other British travellers, seemed to be compelled to write about America in such a way as to assert their own superiority, “perhaps to justify a decision not to emigrate, to blame America for the most basic of Europe's problems and to find fault with nature in America – both the landscape and the moral character of the people” (1993). Indeed, Trollope's 1832
Domestic Manners of the Americans,as well as her 1836
The Life and Adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw, reflect her extremely negative impressions of America when she lived there from 1827-1831; however, her expectations had been to find its democratic experiment a success. Her own experiences were particularly disagreeable in New Orleans, which becomes…
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Citation: Ayres, Brenda. "The Widow Wedded; or The Adventures of the Barnabys in America". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 June 2010 [, accessed 07 September 2024.]