A Further Account of the Most Deplorable condition of Mr. Edmund Curll. Since his being Poison’d on the 28th of March (1716)
A Further Account of the Most Deplorable condition of Mr. Edmund Curll. Since his being Poison’d on the 28th of March(1716)
A Strange but True Relation How Edmund Curll, of Fleetstreet, Stationer, Out of an Extraordinary Desire of Lucre, went into Change Alley, and was Converted from the Christian Religion by certain Eminent Jews: And How he was Circumcis’d and Initiated into their Mysteries (1720)
A Strange but True Relation How Edmund Curll, of Fleetstreet, Stationer, Out of an2013 words
Citation: Rogers, Pat. "Pamphlets on Edmund Curll". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 October 2020 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=39368, accessed 07 September 2024.]