Siècle de Louis XIV [Century of Louis XIV] (1751) was one of Voltaire’s most significant works of history. This one-volume work of social history was written after his novelistic Histoire de Charles XII [History of Charles XII] (1730), and before his magisterial universal history Essai sur les mœurs et l’esprit des nations [Essay on Morals and the Spirit of Nations] (1756). The Siècle aspires to switch core focus away from the battles waged by its titular monarch and instead to spotlight the progress achieved across a century that bears Louis XIV’s name. In his overview of Voltaire’s historical writing, Brumfitt suggests that the Siècle de Louis
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Citation: Pierse, Síofra. "Le Siècle de Louis XIV". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 May 2018 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]