Bruttext in British Library Egerton MS 3028 consists of 2914 lines (in octosyllabic rhymed couplets), but as Ian Short (2011, 145, n. 9) notes, the excision of the first 8 folios implies at least a further 2000 lines now lost (see also Dean and Boulton 1999, 33, no. 50). Though nonetheless an anonymous
Brut, this 2914-line “epitome” 88% of whose lines are taken from Wace’s 14866-line
Roman de Brut, was likely “assembled” with its 337 original lines in the early fourteenth century for the illuminated manuscript in which it is found; it is
sui generisin that it is a form of abridgment of Wace’s
Brut–– with often very different intent –– and not a “translation” of Geoffrey’s
Historia(see notes 1 and 2). Egerton’s unusual composition is noteworthy on many…
844 words
Citation: Blacker, Jean. "Anonymous Verse Bruts: Egerton Brut". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 18 April 2024 [, accessed 14 February 2025.]