Angie Thomas, On the Come Up

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On the Come Up

(2019) is the second young adult novel by Angie Thomas, who is hailed as a “contemporary bard for young black kids, [for] sensitively narrativizing their coming-of-age stories” (Gyarkye). This novel, much like Thomas’ critically acclaimed debut novel

The Hate U Give

(2017), is also set in the Garden Heights universe.

On the Come Up

’s 16-year-old protagonist, Brianna Jackson, is a talented rapper who is passionate about her craft. Thomas’s “portrait of the artist as a young woman” (Tedrowe) in the novel is an homage to “the forefathers of hip-hop that also assures the feminine voice is never dismissed from the cypher” (Browne). The narrative is loosely based on the author’s teenage years. Thomas reveals in an interview: “My big tragedy was when my mom…

2885 words

Citation: Vincent, Vinita. "On the Come Up". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 31 December 2024 [, accessed 26 January 2025.]

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