Henry James completed
Daisy Millerin 1878. Rejected by
Lippincott’s Magazine, his first tale to be refused by an American journal, it was accepted by Sir Leslie Stephen for the English
Cornhill Magazine, appearing in two parts in June and July 1878. The tale was an immediate success, as James’s friend the novelist, William Dean Howells, reported in a letter at the time: “Henry James waked up all the women with his
Daisy Miller, the intention of which they misconceived, and there has been a vast discussion in which nobody felt very deeply and everybody talked very loudly.” For some readers the tale was a satirical exposé of American vulgarity; for others, Daisy represented New World innocence and freshness blighted by the cynicism of European manners. Some Americans felt a…
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Citation: Righelato, Pat. "Daisy Miller". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 October 2006 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=5786, accessed 17 January 2025.]