Hogarth began planning
A Rake's Progress, the second of his narrative comic history cycles,
immediately following the enormous financial success of his publication, by subscription, of the prints of
A Harlot's Progress, in April 1732 (see separate entry in
The Literary Encyclopedia). This time he planned a series of eight paintings ironically charting the protagonist's 'progress', and again planned to make prints of the paintings, which he would sell by subscription. He completed the paintings in mid-1734 and set to work engraving them, having previously advertised subscriptions for the prints as open on 22 December 1733 at a guinea and a half a set. He had learnt from his experience of publishing
A Harlot's Progressthat prints were very easy for unscrupulous printsellers to have copied…
2822 words
Citation: Gordon, Ian. "A Rake's Progress". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 19 July 2003 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=7031, accessed 17 January 2025.]