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Name   Institution
Akhter , Maswood  
Al Kalak , Matteo Show Articles Modena and Reggio
Al-Attabi , Qussay M. Show Articles Kenyon
Alaca , Ilgım Veryeri  
Alam , Fakrul Show Articles
Albaladejo , Nadia Show Articles
Alber , Jan Show Articles Freiburg
Alberto , Gabriele   New York
Albrecht , Monika Show Articles Vechta
Alcorn , John   Trinity (Connecticut)
Aldred , Natalie Clare Show Articles Independent Scholar - Europe
Alexander , Ashish Show Articles Independent Scholar - Asia
Alexander , Donna Show Articles Cork
Alexander , Neal   Aberystwyth
Alfie , Fabian Show Articles Arizona
Alfieri , Noemi Show Articles Lisbon New
Ali , Suzette   Laval
Ali , Suzette Show Articles Quebec (Montreal)
Allaire , Gloria Show Articles Kentucky
Allan , Joanna Show Articles Durham

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