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Name   Institution
West , Stephen   Aalborg
van Emde Boas , Evert   Aarhus University
Nais , Lisa Show Articles Aberdeen
Elliott , Elizabeth Show Articles Aberdeen
Hall , Eilidh AB Show Articles Aberdeen
Watson , Moray Show Articles Aberdeen
Welch , Edward Show Articles Aberdeen
Floyd , Daniel Show Articles Aberdeen
Mannings , David Show Articles Aberdeen
Lawrie , Steven W. Show Articles Aberdeen
McClure , J. Derrick Show Articles Aberdeen
Pooler , Mhairi Catriona Show Articles Aberdeen
Wall , Daniel Jean-Jules   Aberdeen
Harol , Corrinne Show Articles Aberta
Hutton , Sarah Show Articles Aberystwyth
Singer , Rita   Aberystwyth
Harris , Jamie   Aberystwyth
Alexander , Neal   Aberystwyth
Marggraf Turley , Richard Show Articles Aberystwyth
Davies , Richard Atterbury Show Articles Acadia

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