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Name   Institution
Bartlett , Joshua   High Point
Bartley , Aryn Show Articles Michigan State
Barua , Ambika   Brahmananda Keshab (West Bengal)
Basa , Enikő Show Articles Library of Congress
Bassanese , Fiora A. Show Articles Massachusetts (Boston)
Bastida-Rodriguez , Patricia Show Articles Balearic Islands
Batchelor , Jennie Show Articles Kent
Batchelor , Kathryn Show Articles Nottingham
Bateman , Mary Show Articles Bristol
Bather , Philippa Show Articles UCL (London)
Battaglia , Diana Rosa   Leeds
Battigelli , Anna   SUNY (Plattsburgh)
Baudry , Hervé Show Articles Independent Scholar - Europe
Bauer , Alessia Show Articles PSL (Paris)
Bauer , Matthias Show Articles Tubingen
Baugh , Edward Show Articles West Indies
Bauman , Susan R. Show Articles Regina
Baumer , Jason Show Articles Purdue
Bautz , Annika Show Articles Plymouth (UK)
Baxter , Jeannette Show Articles Anglia Ruskin

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