Novelas ejemplares[Exemplary Novels], which will from here onwards be referred to as the
NE, is arguably Cervantes’ most successful and influential title after
Don Quixote, even if it remains largely unknown to a non-specialist Anglophone audience. Though
Novelasis often translated as ‘Novels’ in English editions of the title, the Spanish word refers to short stories rather than prose novels. Despite lacking a single lead character like Don Quixote de la Mancha, the twelve
novelaswhich comprise Cervantes’ only collection of exemplary short fiction are set in locations all around (and beyond) seventeenth-century Europe, from the author’s native Castile to Britain, the Aegean, North Africa and the Caribbean. They are as varied and creative in content as the
Quixote. Each
3272 words
Citation: Griffiths, Benjamin. "Novelas ejemplares". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 February 2024 [, accessed 19 February 2025.]